Cyber Samurai character2.0 soon...

The Cyber samurai project is re-activated.

I'm back on the project with some help from an other artists from the collective to think about the new design and solve the problem people have with the first Cyber Samurai character pack.

I will build a new page for it and  7 new samurais to make sure anybody can use it. 

it's officially the end of the old character pack but a new era is starting full of original characters!

Stay sharp and be ready for the next update ...

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Any news ? :D


new pack almost done, i will post some news soon,  7 new Cybersamurai are in production I'm preparing the rigs and the mixamo compatibility.


Any chance your still working on this or releasing it? :)

We are basicaly done with the charaters we didn't upload yet... we are on environement part to provide more resources that fit together.